
ISI Journals
  1. Díaz, L., Bröring, A., McInerney, D., Libertá, G., and Foerster, T. (2013). Publishing Sensor Observations into Geospatial Information Infrastructures: A Use Case in Fire Danger Assessment. Environmental Modelling & Software 48 (October 2013): 65–80. doi:10.1016/j.envsoft.2013.06.002 [publisher link | manuscript link]
  2. Zhao, P., Foerster, T., & Yue, P. (2012). The Geoprocessing Web. Computers & Geosciences, 47, 3–12. doi:10.1016/j.cageo.2012.04.021 [publisher link]
  3. Stasch, C., Foerster, T., Autermann, C., & Pebesma, E. (2011). Spatio-temporal aggregation of european air quality observations in the sensor web. Computers & Geosciences. doi:10.1016/j.cageo.2011.11.008 [publisher link | manuscript link]
  4. Foerster, T., Stoter, J., & van Oosterom, P. (2011). On-demand base maps on the web generalized according to user profiles. International Journal of Geographical Information Science, 1-23. doi:10.1080/13658816.2011.574292 [publisher link | manuscript link]
  5. Baranski, B., Foerster, T., Schäffer, B., & Lange, K. (2011). Matching INSPIRE Quality of Service Requirements with Hybrid Clouds. Transactions in GIS, 15(s1), 125-142. doi:10.1111/j.1467-9671.2011.01265.x. [publication link | manuscript link]
  6. Kobben, B., de By, R., Foerster, T., Huisman, O., Lemmens, R., & Morales, J. (2010). Using the SDIlight approach to teaching a geoinformatics Master. Transactions in GIS, 14(s1), 25-37. doi:10.1111/j.1467-9671.2010.01204.x.[publisher link | manuscript link]
  7. Foerster, T., Stoter, J. E., & Kraak, M. (2010). Challenges for Automated Generalisation at European Mapping Agencies – A Qualitative and Quantitative Analysis. Cartographic Journal, 47(1), 41-54. doi:10.1179/000870409X12525737905123. [publisher link | manuscript link]
  8. Foerster, T., Lehto, L., Sarjakoski, L. T., Sarjakoski, T., & Stoter, J. E. (2010). Map Generalization and Schema Transformation of Geospatial Data Combined in a Web Service. Computers, Environment and Urban Systems, 34(1), 79-88. doi:10.1016/j.compenvurbsys.2009.06.003 [publisher link | manuscript link]
Other Journals
  1. Díaz, L., Remke, A., Kauppinen, T., Degbelo, A., Foerster, T. , Stasch, C., Rieke, M., Schaeffer, B., Baranski, B., Broering, A., Wytzisk, A. (2012). Future SDI – Impulses from Geoinformatics Research and IT Trends. International Journal of Spatial Data Information Research (IJSDIR), Vol 7, 378-410. [manuscript link]
  2. Foerster, T., Schaeffer, B., Jirka, S., & Brauner, J. (2009). Integrating Web-based Sensor Information into Geospatial Mass-market Applications through OGC Web Processing Services. International Journal on Advances in Intelligent Systems, 2(2 & 3), 278-287. [full journal]
  3. Brauner, J., Schaeffer, B., & Foerster, T. (2009). Web Service Chains Based on Monolithic Geoprocessing Functionality. South African Computer Journal, (43), 17-24.
  4. Schaeffer, B., & Foerster, T. (2008). A Client for Distributed Geo-Processing and Workflow Design. Journal for Location Based Services, 2(3), 194-210. doi: 10.1080/17489720802558491. [publisher link]
Book Chapters
  1. Regnauld, N., Touya, G., Gould, N., & Foerster, T. (2014). Process Modelling, Web Services and Geoprocessing. In Abstracting Geographic Information in a Data Rich World (pp. 197–226). [publisher link | manuscript link]
  2. Foerster, T., Remke, A., & Kaspar, G. (2013). A Hybrid Approach to Disseminate Large Volume Sensor Data for Monitoring Global Change. In J. M. Krisp, L. Meng, R. Pail, & U. Stilla (Eds.), Earth Observation of Global Changes (EOGC) (pp. 165–177). Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg. [publisher link | manuscript link]
  3. Foerster, T., Baranski, B., & Borsutzky, H. (2012). Live Geoinformation with Standardized Geoprocessing Services. In J. Gensel, D. Josselin, & D. Vandenbroucke (Eds.), Bridging the Geographic Information Sciences (pp. 99–118). Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg. [ publisher link | manuscript link | slides] (best paper nomination)
  4. Schaeffer, B., Baranski, B., Foerster, T., & Brauner, J. (2012). A Service-Oriented Framework for Real-Time and Distributed Geoprocessing. In E. Bocher & M. Neteler (Eds.), Geospatial Free and Open Source Software in the 21st Century (pp. 3-20). Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg.
    [publisher link | manuscript link]
  5. Foerster, T., Nüst, D., Bröring, A., & Jirka, S. (2012). Discovering the Sensor Web through Mobile Applications. In G. Gartner & F. Ortag (Eds.), Advances in Location-Based Services (pp. 211-224). Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg. [publisher link | manuscript link | slides]
  6. Foerster, T., Schaeffer, B., Baranski, B., & Brauner, J. (2011). Geospatial Web Services for Distributed Processing – Applications and Scenarios. In P. Zhao & L. Di (Eds.), Geospatial Web Services: Advances in Information Interoperability (pp. 245-286). Hershey, PA: IGI Global. [publisher link | manuscript link]
  7. Schaeffer, B., Baranski, B., & Foerster, T. (2010). Towards Spatial Data Infrastructures in the Clouds. In M. Painho, M. Santos, & H. Pundt (Eds.), Geospatial Thinking, Lecture Notes in Geoinformation and Cartography (pp. 399-418). Springer Verlag. [publisher link | manuscript link] (best paper 3rd prize)
  8. Foerster, T., Stoter, J. E., & Lemmens, R. (2008). An interoperable Web Service Architecture to Provide Base Maps Empowered by Automated Generalization. In A. Ruas & C. Gold (Eds.), Headway in Spatial Data Handling, Lecture Notes in Geoinformation and Cartography (S. 255-76). Montpellier, France: Springer.[publisher link | manuscript link]
  9. Foerster, T., & Schaeffer, B. (2007). A client for distributed geo-processing on the web. In G. Tayler & M. Ware (Eds.), W2GIS, Lecture Notes in Computer Science (Bd. 4857, S. 252-263). Springer. doi: 10.1007/978-3-540-76925-5.[publisher link | manuscript link]
Edited Publications
  1. Zhao, P., Feng, L., & Foerster, T. (Eds.). (2012). Towards the Geoprocessing Web. Computers & Geosciences, 47, 1–168. [publisher link]
  2. Foerster, T., Broering, A., Baranski, B., Pross, B., Stasch, C., Everding, T., & Maes, S. (Eds.). (2011). Integrating Sensor Web and Web-based Geoprocessing. CEUR Workshop proceedings (Vol. 712). Utrecht, Netherlands: CEUR. [publisher link]
Conferences (full papers)
  1. Rieke, M., Foerster, T., Geipel, J., & Prinz, T. (2011). High-precision Positioning and Real-time Data Processing of UAV-Systems. Unmanned Aerial Vehicle in Geomatics (Vol. XXXVIII-1/C22). Presented at the UAV-g 2011, Zurich, Switzerland: ISPRS. [article | slides]
  2. Lasnia, D., Foerster, T., & Broering, A. (2011). Towards Linking the Digital and Real World with OpenThingMap. In A. Schwering, E. Pebesma, & K. Behncke (Eds.), Geochange (pp. 205-209). Presented at the Geoinformatik 2011, Muenster, Germany: AKA Verlag. [manuscript link]
  3. Everding, T., & Foerster, T. (2011). An Event Driven Architecture for Decision Support. In A. Schwering, E. Pebesma, & K. Behncke (Eds.), Geochange (pp. 7-13). Presented at the Geoinformatik 2011, Muenster, Germany: AKA Verlag. [manuscript link | slides]
  4. Foerster, T., & Schaeffer, B. (2011). RM-ODP for WPS Process Descriptions. In A. Schwering, E. Pebesma, & Behncke (Eds.), Geochange (pp. 199-204). Presented at the Geoinformatik 2011, Muenster, Germany: AKA Verlag. [manuscript link | slides]
  5. Foerster, T., Bruehl, A., & Schaeffer, B. (2011). RESTful Web Processing Service. In S. Geertman, W. Reinhardt, & F. Toppen (Eds.), Advancing Geoinformation Science for a Changing World (p. 8). Presented at the 14th AGILE International Conference on Geographic Information Science, Utrecht, Netherlands. [manuscript link | slides]
  6. Rieke, M., Foerster, T., & Broering, A. (2011). Unmanned Aerial Vehicles as Mobile Multi-sensor Platforms. In S. Geertman, W. Reinhardt, & F. Toppen (Eds.), Advancing Geoinformation Science for a Changing World (p. 8). Presented at the 14th AGILE International Conference on Geographic Information Science, Utrecht, Netherlands: AGILE. [manuscript link | slides]
  7. Foerster, T., Remke, A., & Kaspar, G. (2011). A Hybrid Approach to Disseminate Large Volume Sensor Data for Monitoring Global Change. Proceedings of the 3rd conference on Earth Observation on Global Changes. Presented at the EOGC 2011, Munich, Germany: Department of Cartography; Technische Universität München, Germany. [manuscript link | slides]
  8. Foerster, T., Fechner, T., Fritze, H., Loock, F., & Remke, A. (2010). Low-cost satellite-based products for the Web – the example of Fire Web Service. In V. Bogorny & L. Vinhas (Eds.), Proceedings of 11th Brazilian Symposium on GeoInformatics (pp. 57-66). Presented at the GeoInfo 2010, Sao Jose dos Campos: MCT/INPE. [manuscript link | slides]
  9. Foerster, T., Trame, J., & Remke, A. (2010). Web-based GEONETCast Data for Geochange Research. In K. Henneboehl, L. Vinhas, E. Pebesma, & G. Camara (Eds.), GIScience for Environmental Change Symposium Proceedings, ifgiprints (Vol. 40, pp. 1-6). Presented at the GIScience for Environmental Change, Campos do Jordao (Sao Paulo), Brazil: AKA Verlag. [manuscript link | slides]
  10. Broering, A., Foerster, T., Jirka, S., & Priess, C. (2010). Sensor bus: an intermediary layer for linking geosensors and the sensor web. In Proceedings of the 1st International Conference and Exhibition on Computing for Geospatial Research & Application (pp. 1-8). Presented at the Com.Geo, Washington, DC: ACM. doi: [publisher link | manuscript link]
  11. Jirka, S., Broering, A., & Foerster, T. (2010). Handling the semantics of sensor observables within SWE discovery solutions (pp. 322-329). Presented at the International Symposium on Collaborative Technologies and Systems (CTS), 2010, Chicago, IL: IEEE. doi:10.1109/CTS.2010.5478495.[publisher link | manuscript link]
  12. Broering, A., Foerster, T., & Jirka, S. (2010). Interaction Patterns for Bridging the Gap between Sensor Networks and the Sensor Web. In First International Workshop on the Web of Things (pp. 732-737). Presented at the WoT 2010, Mannheim, Germany: IEEE. [publication link]
  13. Foerster, T., Baranski, B., Schaeffer, B., & Lange, K. (2010). Geoprocessing in Hybrid Clouds. In A. Zipf, K. Behncke, F. Hillen, & J. Schaefermeyer (Eds.), Die Welt im Netz (pp. 13-19). Presented at the Geoinformatik 2010, Kiel, Germany: Akademische Verlagsgesellschaft. [manuscript link]
  14. Schaeffer, B., Baranski, B., & Foerster, T. (2010). Licensing OGC Geoprocessing Services as a Foundation for Commercial Use in SDIs. In Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Advanced Geographic Information Systems, Applications and Services (pp. 111-116). Presented at the Geoprocessing 2010, St. Maarten, Netherlands Antilles: IEEE. doi:10.1109/GEOProcessing.2010.24 [publisher link | manuscript link]
  15. Hobona, G., Jackson, M., Gould, M., Higgins, C., Brauner, J., Matheus, A., Foerster, T., et al. (2009). Establishing a Persistent Interoperability Testbed for European Geospatial Research. In J. Haunert, B. Kieler, & J. Milde (Eds.), 12th AGILE International Conference on Geographic Information Science. Held at AGILE 2009, Hanover, Germany: IKG, Leibniz University of Hanover. [publication link]
  16. Foerster, T., Schaeffer, B., Brauner, J., & Jirka, S. (2009). Integrating OGC Web Processing Services into Geospatial Mass-Market Applications. In International Conference on Advanced Geographic Information Systems & Web Services, 2009. (S. 98-103). Held at GEOWS ’09., Cancun, Mexiko: IEEE. doi: 10.1109/GEOWS.2009.19. [publisher link | manuscript link] (best paper award)
  17. Kobben, B., Lemmens, R., Morales, J., de By, R., & Foerster, T. (2009). The SDI-light OSGEO stack at ITC. In Proceedings of Open Source GIS UK Conference 2009. Held at Open Source GIS UK Conference 2009, Nottingham, UK. [publication link]
  18. Brauner, J., Foerster, T., Schaeffer, B., & Baranski, B. (2009). Towards a Research Agenda for Geoprocessing Services. In J. Haunert, B. Kieler, & J. Milde (Eds.), 12th AGILE International Conference on Geographic Information Science. Held at AGILE 2009, Hanover, Germany: IKG, Leibniz University of Hanover. [publication link].
  19. Foerster, T., Morales, J., & Stoter, J. E. (2008). A Classification of Generalization Operators Formalised in OCL. In Mohamed Bishr , Edzer Pebesma, & Thomas Bartoschek (Eds.), Proceedings of the 6th Geographic Information Days, Ifgi Prints (Bd. 32, S. 141-156). Held at GI-days 2008, Muenster, Germany: Institute for Geoinformatics. [publication link]
  20. Schaeffer, B., & Foerster, T. (2008). Web processing services in the context of the 52°North geoprocessing community. In Open source geospatial : an option for developing nations. Held at Free and open source software for geospatial conference – Foss4g 2008, Cape Town, South Africa.
  21. Foerster, T., Stoter, J. E., Koebben, B., & Oosterom, P. V. (2007). A Generic Approach to Simplification of Geodata for Mobile Applications. In M. Wachowicz & L. Bodum (Eds.), AGILE 2007. Aalborg University, Denmark. [publication link].
  22. Schaeffer, B., & Foerster, T. (2007). Bringing the Web Processing Service to a new stage – new 52°North WPS Features. In Free and Open Source Software for Geoinformatics.
  23. Foerster, T., Stoter, J. E., & Koebben, B. (2007). Towards a formal classification of Generalization operators. In Proceedings of the 23rd International Cartographic Conference (ICC). Moscow, Russia.[manuscript link]
  24. Broering, A., & Foerster, T. (2006). An Integrated Software Framework for OGC Web Services. In Foss4g2006. Lausanne, Switzerland. [manuscript link]
  25. Foerster, T. (2006). An open software framework for Web Service-based geo-processes. In Free and Open Source Software for Geoinformatics. Lausanne, Switzerland.
  26. Poppe, E., & Foerster, T. (2006). Automated application-driven generalization of base maps for DURP. In Proceedings geo-innovatie 2006 : 4e symposium (S. 85-87). Ede, the Netherlands: Ruimte voor Geo – Informatie (RGI).
Conferences (abstracts)
  1. Diaz, L., Remke, A., Kauppinen, T., Degbelo, A., Foerster, T., Stasch, C., Rieke, M., Schaeffer, B., Baranski, B., Broering, A. and Wytzisk, A. (2012). Future SDI – Impulses from Geoinformatics Research and IT Trends. Inspire Conference 2012. 23rd – 27th June 2012 Istanbul, Turkey. [publication link]
  2. Foerster, T., Diaz, L., & Bröring, A. (2011). Integrating Volunteered Human Sensor Data into Crowd-sourced Platforms – A Use case on Noise Pollution Monitoring and OpenStreetMap. In W. Pillmann, S. Schade, & P. Smits (Eds.), Innovations in Sharing Environmental Observation and Information (pp. 505-510). Presented at the 25th EnvironInfo Conference 2011, Ispra, Italy: Shaker Verlag.[manuscript link | slides]
  3. Stasch, C., Autermann, C., Foerster, T., & Pebesma, E. (2011). Towards a Spatiotemporal Aggregation Service in the Sensor Web. In S. Geertman, W. Reinhardt, & F. Toppen (Eds.), Advancing Geoinformation Science for a Changing World (p. 8). Presented at the 14th AGILE International Conference on Geographic Information Science, Utrecht, Netherlands: AGILE. [publication link] (best poster 2nd prize)
  4. Schaeffer, B., Foerster, T., & Baranski, B. (2010). Hybrid Cloud Computing for FOSS4G. Presented at the FOSS4G, Barcelona, Spain.
  5. Schaeffer, B., Mueller, M., & Foerster, T. (2010). 52°North WPS framework with ArcGIS geoprocessing support – open source solution meets closed source software. Presented at the FOSS4G, Barcelona, Spain.
  6. Foerster, T., Schaeffer, B., & Baranski, B. (2010). Compliance Testing of Open Source Software for Web Processing Services. Presented at the FOSS4G, Barcelona, Spain. [slides]
  7. Foerster, T., Schaeffer, B., & Baranski, B. (2010). Web-based Geoprocessing with Open Source Software – a 52°North perspective. Presented at the Second Open Source GIS UK Conference – OSGIS 2010, Nottingham, UK. [video link | slides]
  8. Broering, A., Jirka, S., & Foerster, T. (2010). The Sensor Bus – Integrating Geosensors and the Sensor Web. Presented at the Second Open Source GIS UK Conference – OSGIS 2010, Nottingham, UK. [video link | slides]
  9. Broering, A., Foerster, T., & Jirka, S. (2010). Towards an Easy Integration of Geosensors in the Sensor Web. In A. Zipf, K. Behncke, F. Hillen, & J. Schaefermeyer (Eds.), Die Welt im Netz (pp. 196-197). Presented at the Geoinformatik 2010, Kiel, Germany: Akademische Verlagsgesellschaft.
  10. Lemmens, R., Maathuis, B., Mannaerts, C., Foerster, T., Schaeffer, B., & Wytzisk, A. (2009). Web-based spatial analysis with the ILWIS open source GIS software and satellite images from GEONETCast. In AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts (pp. #IN51C-01). Presented at the AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, California, USA: American Geophysical Union.
  11. Foerster, T., & Stoter, J. E. (2009). Providing customized base maps in a SDI for physical planning. In GSDI 11. Rotterdam, the Netherlands.
  1. Foerster, T., Jirka, S., Stasch, C., Pross, B., Everding, T., Broering, A., & Juerrens, E. (2010). Integrating Human Observations and Sensor Observations – the Example of a Noise Mapping Community. In A. Devaraju, A. Llaves, P. Maue, & C. Kessler (Eds.), Proceedings of the Workshop “Towards Digital Earth: Search, Discover and Share Geospatial Data 2010” (p. 4). Presented at the Workshop at Future Internet Symposium, Berlin, Germany. [publication link | slides]
  2. Broering, A., Below, S., & Foerster, T. (2010). Declarative Sensor Interface Descriptors for the Sensor Web. In 1st International Workshop on Pervasive Web Mapping, Geoprocessing and Services (p. 6). Presented at the WebMGS 2010, Como, Italy: ISPRS. [manuscript link]
  3. Foerster, T., Stoter, J., & Morales, J. (2009). Enhancing Cartographic Generalization Processing with Grid Computing Power. In Proceedings of Grid Technologies for Geospatial Applications – pre-conference workshop AGILE 2009. Held at Grid Technologies for Geospatial Applications – pre-conference workshop AGILE 2009, Hanover, Germany. [publication link]
  4. Foerster, T., Broering, A., Jirka, S., & Mueller, J. (2009). Sensor Web and Geoprocessing Services for Pervasive Advertising. Held at Workshop for pervasive advertising, Luebeck, Germany. [manuscript link]
  5. Foerster, T., & Stoter, J. E. (2008). Generalization Operators for Practice – A Survey at NMAs. In Proceedings of the 11th ICA workshop on generalization and multiple representation. Montpellier, France. [publication link]
  6. Foerster, T., Burghardt, D., Neun, M., Regnauld, N., Swan, J., & Weibel, R. (2008). Towards an Interoperable Web Generalisation Services Framework – Current work in progress. In Proceedings of the 11th ICA workshop on generalization and Multiple representation. Montpellier, France. [publication link]
  7. Foerster, T., Stoter, J., & Lemmens, R. (2007). Towards automatic web-based generalization processing: a case study. In 10th ICA Workshop on Generalisation and Multi Representation. [publication link]
  8. Foerster, T., & Stoter, J. E. (2006). Establishing an OGC Web Processing Service for generalization processes. In ICA workshop on Generalization and Multiple Representation. Portland, Oregon, USA. [publication link].
  9. Ostlaender, N., Tegtmeyer, S., & Foerster, T. (2005). Developing an SDI for time-variant and multilingual information dissemination and data distribution. In EC-GI & GIS Workshop, ESDI: Setting the Framework. Alghero, Sardinia. [publication link].
Professional Publications
  1. Maso, J., Pons, X., Schaeffer, B., Foerster, T., & Lucchi, R. (2011). Haiti Earthquake: Harmonizing post-event distributed data processing. IEEE Earthzine. [Retrieved from publication link]
  2. Foerster, T., & Schaeffer, B. (2010). OWS-7 Feature and Statistical Analysis Engineering Report (OGC Engineering Report No. 10-074) (p. 41). OGC. [publication link]
  3. Kiehle, C., & Foerster, T. (2010). OWS-7 Web Processing Service Profiling Engineering Report (OGC Engineering Report No. 10-059r2) (p. 13). OGC. [publication link]
  4. Foerster, T., Schaeffer, B., & Baranski, B. (2010). Geoprocessing in Spatial Data Infrastructures. V1 Magazine. [publication link]
  5. Brauner, J., Schaeffer, B., & Foerster, T. (2009). Web Service Chains Based on Monolithic Geoprocessing Functionality. South African Computer Journal, (43), 17-24.
  6. Foerster, T., Stoter, J., & Morales, J. (2009). Enhancing Cartographic Generalization Processing with Grid Computing Power and Beyond. GIS.Science, 2009(3), 98-101.
  7. Swan, J., Foerster, T., Lemmens, R., Hobona, G., Anand, S., & Jackson, M. (2008). Discovery and Invocation of schematization services: A use case for OGC-EuroSDR-AGILE persistent testbed in europe. GeoConnexion International Magazine, 7(10), 24-28.
  8. Lemmens, R., Hitchcock, A., Foerster, T., & Wytzisk, A. (2007). 52°North platform innoveert via open source GIS toepassingen. Vi Matrix, 15(3), 42-44.
  9. Foerster, T., & Senkler, K. (2003). Nutzung mehrsprachiger OGC Web Map Services in einer Grenzuebergreifenden GDI. GIS.
  1. Foerster, T. (2010). Web-based Architecture for On-demand Maps -Integrating Meaningful Generalization Processing. PhD thesis, University of Twente, Faculty of ITC. [publication link]
  2. Foerster, T. (2005). Geometrische Datenintegration fuer ein transnationales Routing-szenario. Diploma thesis, University of Muenster. [publication link]